
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1683 - Digital Data & #1684 - Rainbow

 “If you can read this, congratulations—the archive you’re you're using still knows about the mouseover text”!

I'm probably reading a little too much into it, but this comic struck me as particularly poignant. Maybe it's because I read through my illegally downloaded PFSC archive but the alt-text just hit it home.

Man, I totally read Pictures For Sad Children when it was on the original site, and it had the alt-text still intact. As I write this I'm wearing my favorite shirt, the one that says "Haters gonna make some good points", but I've always kinda wished I got the "Never be sober again" shirt too but now I CAN'T because the store is closed...

I am undoubtedly overly sentimental when it comes to this kind of thing, but still. There's always that difference between viewing it on a tailor made site and flipping through downloaded images. And more and more webpages are going to become accessible only through filesharing as we go on.

The actual humor of this comic isn't anything special, but this is one occasion where I'd say that the thought provoking nature of the comic outweighs the humor. This strip still gets a passing grade, even if it isn't going to make anyone laugh. (Although I do very much enjoy the snark at 9gag's expense)

Listen, in a few thousand years you'll invent a game called 'SimCity' which has a 'disaster' button, and then you'll understand.

I feel like Randy grasps that exaggerating something is supposed to be funny, but doesn't know how to actually form it into a punchline. Or, at the very least, he believes that exaggerating something is funny on its own.

What this comic lacks is direction. It doesn't go anywhere, it just states different slightly wackier versions of a Bible thing. It's like if there was a comic where he made toast, and then green toast, and then purple toast, and then flaming toast. It probably could be funny if we knew why it was happening, but it just doesn't mean anything.

Also, who is this guy that can talk to God but doesn't know what a rainbow is?

Also also, why is God's speech represented by inverted color text? That strikes me as a much eviler vibe than Randy was going for. I'd have put it in a light blue, with maybe some kind of slight echo or blur effect.

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