
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1626 - Judgment Day & #1627 - Woosh

 It took a lot of booster rockets, but luckily Amazon had recently built thousands of them to bring Amazon Prime same-day delivery to the Moon colony.

Man, Randy should just kinda not write political comics. At least the preachy ones (that's a phrase I hope I never use again) give the people who agree with them agreement chuckles. I actually do agree with this one, it is kinda messed up that we have bombs that could end all human life. And I can see jokes being made about that, just highlighting how absurd it is. But this comic is delivered so matter-of-factly, it's like Randy is scolding us: "What's wrong with you?".

There's also the weird implication that we'd be better off if we were controlled by computer overlords, which is kinda like... no? I would much rather the human race make its own mistakes, thank you.

Also, (and bear with me here) nuclear weapons kinda make sense if you understand the history that lead up to them. Like, yeah, it's probably not the best thing that we still have them armed and ready to fire, but if you look at the political pressures that caused people to develop them, you can understand why we had them at all. No one just made them for kicks, y'know? No one woke up one morning and said "I'm going to fuck everyone over today by making weapons that'll end all life on Earth."

 It also occasionally replies with 'Comment of the year', 'Are you for real', and 'I'm taking a screenshot so I can remember this moment forever'.

And onto the other side of how robots control our lives, comment bots, arguably the worse of the two.

Honestly if that bot had commented on my thing, I'd have just been confused. The "woosh" as onomatopoeia for 'going over your head' went right over my head. That is my fault though, not the comic's. The comic is actually pretty decent. My main issue with it is that there is not a single website in the world that has icons but not usernames on comments. Unless the squiggly lines underneath are supposed to be the usernames? But then the squigglies wouldn't be underneath the icon and the comment, and they wouldn't be different each time.

Also, I feel like the caption would've matched the comic more if multiple people replied to the "woosh" comment. Like someone else chimes in with "No, you're right, it looks fake, I don't get what he's saying" and another guy's like "Maybe they're saying it's supposed to look fake?". It'd be a picture of mass confusion, instead of just one guy being confused.

So like, speaking of robots, if sapiosexuality is a thing, where people are attracted to intelligence, and there are also people who want to fuck robots, are there people who are solely attracted to HAL 9000 -style artificial intelligences? #DeepThoughts

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