
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1518 - Typical Morning Routine

Hang on, I've heard this problem. We need to pour water into the duct until the phone floats up and ... wait, phones sink in water. Mercury. We need a vat of mercury to pour down the vent. That will definitely make this situation better and not worse.

"The battery could last for weeks". What kind of nuclear reactor do you have in your phone, Randy?

Man, this comic is just kinda... there for me. I don't really have any strong opinion on it, other than that the alt-text is better than the comic proper.

For those on Firefox, it's: "Hang on, I've heard this problem. We need to pour water into the duct until the phone floats up and ... wait, phones sink in water. Mercury. We need a vat of mercury to pour down the vent. That will definitely make this situation better and not worse."

I think I like it more because Bedhead is being stupid and not just clumsy in the dark. It's his own fault that he's about to die of mercury poisoning, so it's funny the same way that the Darwin Awards are funny. With the comic, Bedhead makes innocent mistakes, without them even being particularly bad or incompetent.

That last sentence in the alt-text sucks, though. It reminds me of SNL, like that one sketch where a girl just says semi-related, vaguely cliche lines, and you can just feel the writers staring directly into the camera and saying "GET IT. DO YOU GET IT. DO YOU GET THE JOKE.".

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