
XKCD Made Me Laugh - #1486 - Vacuum

Do you think you could actually clean the living room at some point, though?

This one got a laugh out of me. The image of a vacuum-cleaner-riding Beret Guy becoming the master of everything is just hilarious. That contrast probably could have been pushed further, like having him demanding money from the league of nations or something, but I can also see how that could just drag out the punchline.

I also appreciate that we get to see Nohat coming in to the comic after the first panel, I feel like it adds an organic element, to use the most pretentious phrasing possible.

This comic reminds me of this really funny 8-Bit Theater comic, which always gets me every time I read through the archives again. I'd like to point out that in XKCD's version, Nohat reacts by insisting that it's not how it works, whereas in "Going Up", the shocked reaction of Red Mage works as a nice second funny bit.

Beret's new characterization as an evil warlock of some kind still baffles me. Whatever happened to the earnest young boy who thought things were muffins?

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