
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1479 - Troubleshooting

I get that this is a legitimate problem but this is probably the most annoying way of telling this joke.

"Seriously?" / "I know, I know..."
This is infomercial-level writing. Not even good infomercial writing, this is on the level of that Eagleman Car Insurance thing. And the reason for that, is that this comic was made to sell something. It was made to sell "Randall Munroe is smart.".

Read that caption again. "I can't wait for the day when all my stupid computer knowledge becomes obsolete.".

"Gosh, it sure is hard knowing so much about computers, I really wish I didn't have to be so smart all the time."

On top of that, the whole "i have strange and complicated computer problems" complaint is really undermined when Randy's also saying that he knows how to solve all of them.

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