
XKCD Is Properly Executed - #1478 - P-Values

 If all else fails, use "significant at a p>0.05 level" and hope no one notices.

I'm not going to use my trusty "graph jokes are never funny" stamp here, not only because this is technically a chart, but also because I actually think it's is a good way to present this joke. The comic reads almost like dialogue: [p-value], [interpretation], [p-value], [interpretation]. There's a rhythm to it.

Now, as the type of person who just failed a calculus midterm, I wasn't aware of p-values before reading this comic. However, this comic starts with what could be a real example of a caption for this kind of chart (I assume) and gradient's into jokes. This both establishes that this is a parody and what the parody is of.

Hell yeah I just ended that sentence with a preposition, screw you, 7th grade English teacher.

I call this a well-executed comic, which isn't a sentence I expect I'll have the pleasure of saying often. I don't find it funny, but I'm putting all of the blame on myself for not knowing what p-values were before reading the comic.

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