
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1410 - CALIFORNIA

I used to have a friend ("friend" being used in one of the loosest possible ways to use that word) who really hated California, hated everything about it, could literally (used in the literal way) talk about it for hours, how much he despised those 163,696 square miles that we call a state. He also hated any kind of vulgar humor, so the next three lines go out to him.

"I like how long and skinny California is..." Did he read that line after he wrote it? Because there is no way that someone who's made as many bad sex jokes as Randy could possibly look at that opening and not think "penis joke" in bright, flesh-colored neon lights.

It was nice of Randy to hide this awareness comic behind the thin vineer of an actual joke, but I don't think anyone was fooled. Much more worrying are the two Spaceballs references ("ludicrous" and the alt-text). To quote Yahtzee Croshaw's review of Duke Nukem Forever: "Not parodies, references. It's just pointing up a Master Chief helmet on a shelf and saying 'recognize this and laugh, you sheep.'".

I do like how California flattens out to start the big middle rectangle and then stretches out again, that's visually appealing and explains what the graph represents rather well. It doesn't excuse it for being an infographic with a lame joke slapped on top of it, but it sure looks pretty.

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