
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1355 - AIRPLANE MESSAGE

I really do hate this type of "cool fact", the kind that tells you the bare bones of something interesting but nothing else about how it works, why it's like that, or anything else but the absolute minimum.
Example: "Kangaroos can't fart." That doesn't tell you why Kangaroos can't fart (bacterium that eat the chemicals that cause gas) why the information is useful (people are trying to transplant the bacterium to cows to lower the amount of methane they produce), and, most irritatingly, it's almost always phrased in the simplest possible way, which a lot of the time, makes the fact harder to verify. So let's put the expected joke right up here: Citation needed.

Here are my questions about this fact: What's the most potent chemotherapy drug? Why does adriamycin come from dirt? What makes the dirt from an Italian castle more useful for the purpose? How is adriamycin extracted from the dirt? I don't know, but I am literally going to refrain from looking any of it up out of spite. Piss off, Randy.

Also, the letters on the banner would be too small to read from the ground, even if you could sneak in and change a banner without it being noticd, which of course, you couldn't.

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