
XKCD Isn't Funny: #1349 - Shouldn't Be Hard

this reminds me of a song I like, but not because I like the comic

Before we get into today's comic, I'd like to ask any of my regular readers (of which, after checking, I realize there are none) if they remember why I started this blog. I pretty much owned up to just starting it because the other two XKCD hateblogs had shut down, and I'm willing to sell to a hungry audience. However, XKCD-SUCKS started back up after just a few weeks, and xkcd sucks has posted something very special the other day. I'll probably keep going (you can't get rid of me that easily), and I'm certainly happy to see Rob come back after his five month absence, but I can't help but be a bit irritated that one of my main motivations for writing this blog seems to have disappeared. I have to also admit that I'm a bit irritated that their posts will probably be better than mine. Regardless, let us commence with the review!:

*clears throat*

Yeah, it SHOULDN'T BE HARD to criticize this piece of crap, but you've made it that way, haven't you, Randy!

It wouldn't be that difficult if there was only one thing wrong with a typical XKCD, but sadly, we have not been blessed with such a universe. Today's comic verges into Not Even Wrong territory, almost seeming like something the guys behind South Park left on the cutting room floor when scripting the "Chewbacca Defense" scene. I think I've used this line before, but it almost seems zen, clearing the mind of all thought.

Randy: "This probably isn't going to be hard."
Other: "Your computer is made of stuff. It's going to be hard until someone else simplifies it."
Randy: "I shalt return the computer to its component stuff."
Other: "I will fetch a tool, but not one you require."

The joke is apparently supposed to be that Randy is replacing the task he may or may not have found difficult with a simpler one. The alt-text adds that the supposed simpler task is actually harder.
1. We don't know what Randy is trying to do at all. He hasn't started yet, we don't know if it's hard or not (BUT I KNOW SOMETHING THAT IS HARD! ;) awwww yeahhhhh).
2. Just because a computer has to be programmed does not make doing things on it hard "until someone else makes it easy". Once you have a computer and the knowledge of how to program one-

-[side note]: although it is hard to invent a computer, saying you have to invent the computer to do things with it is like saying you have to invent sand to make glass. The resources have been made avaliable to you, which is not the same thing as making it easy. Making something easy would be closer to making Blogger so people don't have to start up their own websites to start hateblogs on, rather than putting up a tutorial on how to make a website. [/side note]-

-, it's fairly easy to make "HELLO WORLD" pop up onscreen.
3. Randy is wasting a perfectly good computer there.
4. A blowtorch can't turn a computer "back into sand". You find a way of doing that, we'll probably be on our way to creating perfect, instantanious recycling.
5. It is easy to destroy a computer. Randy's the one who had his stupid point about turning "back into sand". He's making things needlessly difficult for himself.

[EDIT:] To Geoff in the comments that I am unable to reply to directly for some reason: No, I've never actually programmed anything, unless you count a lego robotics course I took when I was like, eight. However, that doesn't disprove my point.

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